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06 de mar. de 2022
In Discussões Gerais
Clarity of goals is also a prerequisite for any campaign, knowing where you are going. What do you want to get from the person receiving the message? Do you want to remind them of your existence, do you want to influence them at a moment of decision, do you Jewelry Retouching Service want to inform them of your offers, do you want feedback to improve your customer service, do you want them to feel comfortable complaining and praising, do you want to close a sale, do you want to open a negotiation ? What do we want to achieve with our action?: Increase the traffic of our website ? Convert a visitor into a lead ? Qualify leads? Do not forget the phases of the sales funnel: attraction - discovery; interest - evaluation; conversion - purchase, and cross them with the phases of the customer's journey: the one who passes, the one who looks, the one who enters, the one who buys and the one who recommends. 3. Define your Persona. Once your objectives have been identified, it is time to create your Buyer Persona to start working with that information in a dynamic way with your audience. Sometimes, depending on the scope of your campaign, you can create more than one Buyer Persona. Remember that the Buyer persona is the great tool for adapting your campaign to your audience. There are details that will be set by her, such as the schedule, the subject of the e-mail, the vocabulary in the body, the information in the newsletter, etc.
06 de mar. de 2022
In Discussões Gerais
Today, you and your team start a new adventure again, and this time it is not located on a battlefield, since we work in a peaceful environment, but on a large chessboard, where adversity is our main opponent. Let's talk about the types of email marketing strategies . Strategy Clipping Path Service generally has a military meaning, but we, as creators of our narrative, can rescue its mathematical value and interpret it from that point of view as: a set of rules that ensure an optimal decision at all times. Today we will make an unexpected move that will lead to the success of our campaign. Let's go on an adventure! Our office will be the ship, and our weapons will be calculators, editing and automation programs, newsletters and of course, our captain will be that knight hero of many battles called E-mail Marketing. Why Email Marketing? The use of e-mail worldwide will reach 3 billion users in 2020. (The Radicati Group, 2016) Because everyone has e-mail , it continues to be one of the main user habits, like drinking coffee in the morning, starting your routine by checking your e-mails. Within the virtual world, e-mail is perhaps the last bastion of our intimacy. On the other hand, it is cheap, fast, safe, precise, efficient, practical, has no quantity limits, among many other benefits.


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