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General manager Ryan Pace announced publicly Wednesday what had become abundantly clear as free agency opened: will be the starting quarterback. We went through the proce s of thoroughly evaluating the roster and were moving forward with Jay as our starting quarterback, Pace told reporters. The pronouncement comes weeks after Pace and coach John Fox declined to comment on Cutlers status during the NFL in February. The underlying me sage at the time was that the might like to move away from Cutler if they could find a Seattle Seahawks Jersey trade partner and a substitute signal-caller. Neither scenario seemed realistic. NFL Media Insider Ian Rapoport reported that while other teams were aware Cutler might be available, none of the teams he talked to who might theoretically be in the quarterback market had been contacted by the regarding a po sible trade. Cutler is due $15.5 million guaranteed in 2015. Paces Wednesday proclamation a sures that Cutler will be on the roster tomorrow when $10 million of his 2016 salary becomes guaranteed as well. While the were able to move on from , Cutlers enormous contract -- given by the previous regime -- combined with erratic play made him impo sible to move. With little else in the way of prospects at the position, fans will have to grit through another David Moore Jersey season of Cutler under center, and hope Fox brings a ground-and-pound style that takes the ball out of his mistake-prone quarterbacks hands more frequently.The latest Podcast and discu ses the impact of return to the . Find more content on .