To combat the slow season, are there any strategies you're using to prepare? For example, do you have a savings account that when you make a lot of money, you put money into it for times of drought, or you just get out of it? What do you usually do? Danielle: I save more when things are better, but right now a lot of that more saving means actually paying more for my student loans to pay them off. It will happen. It may take a decade, but it will happen. I save a little more money when I can, but also, I think there's a lot to be said for getting those key clients.
I think SEJ is a key customer for both of us. It's a fixed amount that you know you're going to get each month no matter what. This image masking service is something I highly recommend freelancers seek out. It can be hard to find, but a primary client that gives you a baseline for your income each month is really important. That way, when the little things disappear during slower seasons, you can just delete things, like, “Do I really have to spend $200 a month on Amazon? Probably not." If you have those key customers and you've saved a little money, when those slow seasons come around, you have that leeway.
You also have to think about how you have more time, right? There are so many at the beginning of the year, which also tends to be busy for me. You're getting caught, and so maybe your personal website is falling behind, your personal Twitter profile that you've been trying to build is falling behind, so don't think about it as long as you're losing money, but you save time. you can use to focus on building your brand, which I think is also very important. Advertising Continue reading below Kelsey: Yes. I like this. I think that's a good way to think about it.